Coaching Services
Nancy’s coaching services are informed by over 35 years of professional and personal experience and advanced education and certification in the arenas of personal growth, executive management, communication skills, and lifestyle integration. A customized strategic coaching plan will be created with your collaboration to help you identify and work toward your goals. Coaching contracts vary in service length, meeting options, and fees.
Counseling Services
Nancy has been providing individual and group counseling and education for more than 35 years in hospitals, agency settings and private practice. She is a skilled and experienced counselor offering telehealth practice hours and customized intensive therapeutic workshops. Nancy also provides professional development workshops and consultations to other industry professionals. She has worked with high profile clients such as CEO’s, entertainers, sports figures, and government leaders and collaborating with their respective teams. The depth of her experience, training, and skill allow her to work effectively with a variety of issues and problems.
Dr. Bailey specializes in the areas of substance use disorders and relational trauma. Nancy has been extensively trained in Post Induction Therapy by Pia Mellody, LPC, RN, at the Meadows in Arizona, where she was also in clinical leadership roles. She has completed training in Inner Child, Feelings Reductions and Couples Boundaries work. She uses Pia's Post Induction Therapy model (PIT) for treating relational trauma and helping people move past stuck points in their recovery and in their relationships in all of her work. Integrating experiential modalities such as trauma-informed psychodrama and expressive arts into her sessions, client’s receive a rich and deeply changing experience. Dr. Nancy also contracts with companies for EAP brief service sessions.
Post Induction Therapy (PIT)
Dr. Bailey makes extensive use of Pia Mellody's model of Developmental Immaturity and Codependence as a guide to understanding and explaining the connection between adverse childhood experiences and relational trauma and current life issues. Healing the relationship with self creates the ability to affirm and nurture yourself which means you feel as worthy and valuable as others in your life. It also means you will be able to hold yourself accountable and set limits on yourself, so that you will feel in control of yourself and have respectful relationships with others.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, EMDR, was developed by Francine Shapiro, PhD, and is thought of as the first line of treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Nancy uses EMDR effectively with PTSD and other trauma related symptoms such as body memories, flashbacks, nightmares, sleep disturbances, grief that won't heal, depression, anxiety, affect management and emotional coping, and to help clients regain a regulated perspective in their lives. Nancy creatively uses EMDR to treat a variety of issues and has found it lends itself to the therapeutic process in many ways including with attachment issues, difficulty in the relationship with self, and to help clients get “unstuck” when they intellectually know one thing yet feel another.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
Nancy incorporates MBSR into the work with her clients as an additional integrative modality. Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn developed the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. MBSR has evolved into a common form of complementary medicine addressing a variety of problems. The National Institutes of Health's National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has funded studies to research the efficacy of the MBSR program in promoting healing. Studies have found that pain-related drug utilization was decreased, and activity levels and feelings of self-esteem increased, for a majority of participants. More information on these studies can be found on the University of Massachusetts Medical School website: Center for Mindfulness
The mind is known to be a factor in stress and stress-related disorders, and meditation has been shown to positively effect a range of physiological processes, such as lowering blood pressure and reducing overall arousal and emotional reactivity. In addition to mindfulness practices, MBSR uses yoga to help reverse the prevalence of disuse atrophy from our culture's largely sedentary lifestyle, especially for those with pain and chronic illnesses.